Sunday, May 20, 2012

What we were up to last week

We've had a fun week in the sun! It has been beautiful weather so we're taking advantage of it before it gets too hot. We made it to the park this week. The kids played in the sand and we did a lot of swinging. Makenna could stay in the swings the whole time. Chase also had his first taste of sand, he wasn't a big fan.

Makenna had to take a little power nap on the window bench...

And we broke out the pool and sprinklers!

Katrina and I also crafted these fun wreaths! The patriotic wreath is just yarn wrapped around the wreath and the brown one is coffee filters pinned into it. So fun!

1 comment:

Misha Palza said...

So fun! Chase has cute chubby tummy and has gotten so blond. Love your wreaths. So copying the patriotic one.