Sunday, March 8, 2015

10 Months

My Caleb turned 10 months last week! Time goes so fast. This boy is so fun and such a mama's boy. He is never too far from my side and gets so excited when I come into the same room as him and even more excited when he knows I'm going to pick him up:) He is still army crawling around and this week has been wanting to stand more rather than sit. He still isn't pulling himself up onto things yet, he's tried but no success. But when we are standing with him he takes a few steps.

 He still loves the bath and gets so excited as we are filling up the tub. If I were to describe him in one word it would be wiggly! Every waking moment he is moving around. Gone are the days of snuggles! He still gets up once at night and that is when I snuggle him for a minute, when he is half asleep after eating! And even then it is only for a minute because he wants to stretch out in his bed. He is so sweet though when I am going to lay him down for nap or bedtime he lays his head on my shoulder while I get his blanket ready. He has been giving sweet, big, wet kisses and has been wrapping his arms around my neck like he is giving me a hug!

Can I just keep him little??
 Chase had to get in on the picture taking as well and he is such a goof!

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