Monday, October 8, 2012


Conversations with Makenna lately have been so funny and while it probably won't seem funny written down they have cracked Steve and I up and I don't want to forget.

Tonight at dinner we were discussing with her that we need to be nice to all of our friends and use kind words and I asked her what she thought Jesus would want her to do and in all seriosness she says, "In the Spirit of the Lord" and then rambles on about something. "In the Spirit of the Lord"- obviously thats what she heard this weekend in conference.

An elderly woman that I visit teach passed away last week. I had taken Makenna a few times to go visit Fern so we've been trying to explain to her where Fern is. So I told her that she went to go live with Heavenly Father in Heaven.
"How did she get there mom?"
"Well her spirit in her body went up to heaven"
"In an airplane?"
This has just caused all sorts of confusion because then I went to Fern's viewing and so she asked me if I went in an airplane to heaven to see Fern.
Today we drove past Fern's house and Makenna asked
"Is Fern all better?"
Me: Yes because now she is with Heavenly Father.
"Will she come back soon?"
Me: No probably not for a while but someday we'll see Fern again.
"Maybe on Halloween!"

I never thought of all the angles this topic could take but for a 4-year-old this has been hard to explain. She keeps me on my toes, that's for sure!


Misha Palza said...
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Misha Palza said...

Sorry I posted a comment, but then couldn't get the pass word right about a million times and then after it worked I realized I had posted the passwords!

So anyways... She is too funny! I laughed out loud. I can totally hear Kira and I having the same conversation!