Thursday, April 1, 2010


Last week we were doing this...

This morning I woke up to this....
Why do I live where I do? I need to still be on vacation!
Steve has family from Minnesota that go to Phoenix for the winter so we decided to go and visit. It was so much fun. On the way down we went to several tourist spots and then for 4 days we were in Phoenix with family. All we did was play outside, go swimming, play cards, relax and play outside some more. It was one of our best vacations and we loved spending time with Auntie Rose and Janet.
At the Grand Canyon

Meteor Crater in Flagstaff

The Snowbowl- Even though people were skiing it was warm and sunny-nothing like how it is at home today

Hanging out at Aunt Roses' trailer- wearing shorts and sandals the rest of the week! It was heaven.

Playing cards with Rose

Feeding the ducks


Christine said...

I LOVE the picture of Makenna sitting in the purple striped shirt-her face is awesome! :)

Unknown said...

What a fun family vacation! Your little girl is adorable Wendy!

Misha Palza said...

Awww... I am so jealous. I haven't even seen sun like that in forever. Kira put her swimsuit on in the bath tub ;) Your trip looked like such a great time.