Friday, April 30, 2010

Nursery woes

So Makenna has been a little pill lately. She has been so upset when I leave, even if its just to take out the garbage. She throws a fit if she's left with anyone but me, even with Steve. But, she topped it of last Sunday. She has been going to nursery for several months now( we have great nursery leaders, since she's not suppose to be going till next month) and she has been fine. Well last Sunday she started crying and screaming not wanting me to go but I left anyways. She didn't last long because she cried so hard she threw up on one of the nursery leaders! Throw up is disgusting, throw up that is not from your own child is even more disgusting. I felt horrible. This phase better end quickly!


Seth and Kara Farnsworth said...

Tee hee, I laugh only because I've been there, and will be again. Logan is nearly 3 and still won't go to nursery without me or Seth. Sooooooo.......silver lining=it's great to be so loved! The nursery leaders ALWAYS end up bringing Logan to me because he "upsets the entire nursery," and "it's too disturbing to watch a child get so upset." I am woeing with you.

Heather said...

Ooooh, that is no good. I'm so sorry. Hopefully things will bet better very soon!

Katy and Rob Bodily said...

I swear kids go through phases where they are great for a few weeks, then little terrors for a few weeks. Just when you think "wow, my kid is really getting the hang of this" everything changes. Raising kids is just great isn't it! I have sympathy for you because Kaden threw up in nursery last sunday too. Eating an entire bag of fruit snacks at once will get ya every time.

Melanie Henage said...

Oh man! I'll admit, I'm so glad I wasn't the nursery leader. We had that calling for 18 months, and I think that one tops them all! Good luck!

Misha Palza said...

I love it... Typical of our darlings. But I couldn't read your blog there wasn't a picture... ;)