Friday, August 17, 2018


I have a bunch of random pictures to put together as a post. Makenna had some silly pig tails going on and wanted a picture of.
 Another pond visit and it sure was hot! Graycen came along and they all had a great time. Some college kids had set up a giant water slide that ended in the pond and anyone could go down it. Chase loved it but Makenna landed on some rocks at the end and got a big bruise on her leg so she was done after the first time.

 We made it out another night to watch the race cars and had a great time because it was kids night. The kids got to go down on the race track and walk around to all the drivers. They got a bunch of candy and loved it!
 Being silly...
 For our last summer activity days (and my last one before getting released) we took the girls to the city pool and Dairy Queen after. I have loved spending the past two years with these girls! Chase and Caleb were lucky enough to get to come along.

Since we knew we weren't going to make it camping this summer we let the kids camp out in the front room one night. They loved it and it's a good thing Steve is a good tent maker!

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