Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Caleb's 1st Birthday

My baby turned 1 last week! I just can't believe how fast time goes. I swear I just had him. We had a good day, nothing really out of the ordinary except some presents, Grandma J- Grandma and Grandpa P and Andrea came for dinner and cake and ice cream that evening. You would have thought it was Makenna and Chases' birthday with how excited they were all day! Caleb had plenty of help opening his presents:)

He was more than ready for some cake! Earlier that day Aunt Steff had come over and I was saying how with Makenna I was super strict and didn't give her treats her first year and gradually I've gotten more relaxed. Caleb loves treats! I can't deny him when he's sitting there and we are all having a treat and he's reaching for a bite for him:)

I should have taken his picture with family earlier rather than waiting till the end when he was done having a party! Oh well.

Happy Birthday little boy!

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