Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Potty Trained!

Last week was potty training week for Chase! It was one of  my goals for this year so why not wait till the last month of the year to get it accomplished?:) I really was in no hurry to tackle this project after the struggle it was with Makenna but Steve had the week off  so we did it! Actually Steve did most of it. He would go in there with him most of the time and try and coax him into going to the bathroom. And a lot of the time Chase asked for Steve to help him, so I can't take much credit.  Chase was awesome. On Monday he had 3 accidents and one success. After Monday he didn't have any more accidents but would hold it for as long as possible. He would be doing the potty dance for an hour and we would have sat on the toilet 4-5 times and he would be yelling and crying- there is nothing! Finally he would go to the bathroom. He finally did #2 on Thursday (I love Miralax:) and since Friday he hasn't been holding it. He has just told us when he needs to go and has been great. He made it through church just fine, although our next task will be going in public. He told me he needed to go at church so we went in the stall and he looked up at me and asked if he had to go in that toilet? I said yes and he told me he would wait till we got home:)
He earned a stuffed minion for filling up his sticker chart (he loves Despicable Me). We are so proud of him!

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