Monday, October 6, 2008

Poor Aggies

So with the changing of the leaves that also means its football season. Steve loves football, it doesn't really matter who's playing even if its the Aggies. Most of you will all know that the Aggie football team well...struggles... but my husband faithfully buys season tickets every year. I will attend a game if their is a chance it could be exciting, or we might win, and if it's good weather. Well the Aggies played BYU on Friday and I was not going to waste my time or money going to watch that game and out of all the games the Aggies play this year this is the one Steve really wanted the Aggies to win. (Steve HATES BYU) Well poor Steve came home with the most sad, disapponted look I've ever seen on his face, I couldn't even take a picture it was too sad. Maybe someday the Aggie football team will have a winning season or Steve would just be happy if they could beat BYU again someday.

On a happier note the other day the neighbor kids came over and brought me rocks they had colored with pink chalk. Aren't they so thoughtful? These rocks are along my front porch- their is about 25-30. They were going to bring me a whole basketfull but luckily it was bath time. I love the neighbor kids!


Chris said...

Why pink? Why rocks? :) Why haven't you posted a picture of your pregnancy? I want to see!! what do you think of the girl that Mark is dating? I'd email you but I don't have your address. Mine's Give me all the gossip!!!! Hey are you on FACEBOOK?

Melissa said...

I agree...Poor Aggies! Poor Steve! I think I've only been to one game in my 3 years there that they actually won...(but then I didn't go to that many either. :( Oh well, better luck next time!