post is merely for documenting purposes and is a month late, but it defintately needs a post for remembrance sake and will be something Makenna won't like when she's a teenager (all the more reason to post it right?) Makenna is FINALLY potty trained! Almost a year after our first attempt we finally got it.
May of last year I decided it was time to potty train. It was perfect, right before summer, right before Chase was born. Well, after a week of sitting on the potty every 1/2 hour and not making it in once I decided we needed a break. Due to the craziness of our lives last summer; having Chase, moving, we atempted again in January. This time she learned that she could hold it and she refused to go in the potty telling me it was scary. No amount of bribery worked. We had presents she could open if she went, candy, going out for ice cream everything and she would not go. She would be so miserable and I'm sure her eyes were yellow that Steve and I would hold her down on the toilet and she would be so mad she would finally go.
Well after a week of holding it she got a kidney infection. I've never seen her so sick and it resulted in having some tests done, not fun. After this experience I was hesitant to try again but she was potty trained but just wouldn't go in the potty. She always went at home, she would run into her bedroom and I knew exaclty what she was doing and come out demanding that I change her now, she's been dry at night for a long time.
So about a month and half ago she asked if she could get a scooter and we told her that once she went in the potty 10 times we would get her one. She was super excited, we made our chart and got some candy but she still wanted to wear a diaper, so I agreed due to my fears from attempt #2. Well after 2 weeks we still had no stickers on our chart but I had told her each time I changed her diaper that the store doesn't make diapers for her anymore, so once they were gone that was it. So on Mother's Day after church she used her last one. After an hour of screming because she didn't want to wear underwear or go naked she finally got dressed. We have been diaper free ever since and minus a few accidents that first day, no messes! She's now becoming a scooter pro and tells me all the time "Mom diapers are for babies."
And I thought girls were suppose to be easy!?