Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My baby is growing up!

It seems that lately every day Makenna just looks so much older to me. I just want to mummify her and keep her little. She is growing so fast but I love it at the same time. She is just so fun and her little personality cracks me up. Her newest thing is to run around and squel and have us chase her- if we're going to go somewhere, getting her diaper changed, getting in the tub, you get the idea. It 's even better if she's running around with nothin' on, that is her favorite and I could watch her squel and smile all the time.

We're trying to enjoy every day that we can go outside and see the sun, and cannot wait till it's warmer outside so we don't have to wear coats. Makenna loves it outside!

See, doesn't she just look like such a big little girl?

She also just loves to give me a big squeeze and scream at the same time:)

Last week she got her first shiner. She fell and hit her face on my moms magazine rack- her poor eye and she also got a scratch across her cheek.

Just being silly!