Saturday, February 17, 2024

Flying Giant

We went to Helena to Flying Giant with the Hanni's and Charlee Heap came along too! It was a great time with the climbing walls, the ropes/obstacle course that is up high in the building and of course the trampoline portion. Definately want to go to this place again. iv class="separator" style="clear: both;">

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Cross Country Skiing

My favorite field trip to chaperone for and for the last time. Loved getting to go with Caleb cross country skiing with his class. We were in the "top" group and had a great time!
A few days later Steve, Caleb and I went cross country skiing again. The weather was great but it was really icy so it made skiing more difficult. It was still nice and great to get out!
I also made it cross country skiing with Caroline and Ashley this season. Always a good time with these ladies!

Monday, January 1, 2024

Ice Skating

A little New Year's Day ice skating with friends!
Hailey and Courtney Shugart
Caroline Matthews
Jefferson Smith

Sunday, December 31, 2023

December Activities

We started December with a little party. We did the mystery dinner and then I had Christmas pj's and a game wrapped up to open afterwards. This was our attempt at a picture!
Steve and I went to the Ugly Sweater Christmas Party, one of our favorites!
It was our last elementary school Christmas concert. Caleb was an elf and did a great job! He has such good friends.
Chase was in drama this semester and they put on a short play, The Nutcracker in a Flash. He was great and has really enjoyed his drama class!
I have really enjoyed Makenna's highschool choir concerts. They do such a good job. Of course Makenna and Olivia enjoy being together too!
Makenna went to the highschool Christmas Dance. She looked beautiful and said she had a good time. Her friend Arianna came over early to get ready.
Makenna has also been on the winter cheer squad and it has been fun going to watch her. She cheers at the home JV basketball games.
And this was the only picture I took of Christmas Eve/Day festivities. This picture was after church on Christmas Eve. Makenna sang a song during sacrament with her friends Sam and Thomas, she also sang in a group that sang O Holy Night and I accompanied. Christmas day was full of presents, food and relaxing.
I didn't take any pictures but New Year's Eve we invited friends over for food and games and had a blast! It's been a good year with lots of memories!

Thursday, November 23, 2023


Thanksgiving this year we stayed home. It was pretty laid back. The Hanni's did come over for pie/dessert later in the evening. But before the day started Makenna and I went to the class offered at the gym! It was a good day.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Makenna Turns 15!!

How is she 15?! No pictures taken on her actual birthday but I love this picture she took of herself! Her birthday landed on the last day of school before Thanksgiving break so she had friends over for dinner and a late night. She has loved highschool so far and has been involved in such good things. She is brave, has the best smile, good public speaker, kind and loves being with her friends. Glad she's part of our family!

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Bit of Random

We signed Caleb up to play basketball for a few weeks. He really enjoyed it, especially the week his team played against his buddies. So we of course had to take a picture (Axel, Olex and Jonathan)
Halloween was different this year in that Caleb was the only one to go trick or treating. Makenna was with a friend and Chase passed out the candy at home. I took Caleb trick or treating with his friend Torrin and Jefferson.
And a picture of Makenn dressed up "touristy" for tourist day during Spirit week.