We started December with a little party. We did the mystery dinner and then I had Christmas pj's and a game wrapped up to open afterwards. This was our attempt at a picture!
Steve and I went to the Ugly Sweater Christmas Party, one of our favorites!
It was our last elementary school Christmas concert. Caleb was an elf and did a great job! He has such good friends.
Chase was in drama this semester and they put on a short play, The Nutcracker in a Flash. He was great and has really enjoyed his drama class!
I have really enjoyed Makenna's highschool choir concerts. They do such a good job. Of course Makenna and Olivia enjoy being together too!
Makenna went to the highschool Christmas Dance. She looked beautiful and said she had a good time. Her friend Arianna came over early to get ready.
Makenna has also been on the winter cheer squad and it has been fun going to watch her. She cheers at the home JV basketball games.
And this was the only picture I took of Christmas Eve/Day festivities. This picture was after church on Christmas Eve. Makenna sang a song during sacrament with her friends Sam and Thomas, she also sang in a group that sang O Holy Night and I accompanied. Christmas day was full of presents, food and relaxing.
I didn't take any pictures but New Year's Eve we invited friends over for food and games and had a blast! It's been a good year with lots of memories!