Wednesday, August 30, 2023

New School Year

New school year. This year there is a kid in each school. Caleb 4th, Chase 6th, and Makenna 9th. It's going to be a great year!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Some Other Things Mixed Into Summer As Well

A little bit of random things. We had a ward BBQ and there was a game where you had to put the nylon on your head that has a baseball in it and bend over trying to knock down bottles. It was hilarous and I had to get a picture of Caleb and Steve.
Chase and I went to a Mother Son church activity. It was Hawaiin themed and they taught us some dancing and there were outdoor games as well. Chase was not thrilled to get his picture taken.
I went to the Barbie movie with friends all decked out in pink.
We went to the Butte water park with friends and we of course had to get ice cream at the carousel afterwards!
I took Caleb, Axel and Olex to bike to the M. It was a great time!
Steve and I took the boys to roast hot dogs and have a fire at Headwater State Park
I took the boys to the races on kids night and they came home with a bag full of candy!
The one hike we went on with Caroline was to South Cottonwood Canyon
I took the kids to the Helena Temple to do baptisms before school started as well.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Chase's Birthday

Chase turns 12! On his birthday we went out to lunch and he brought his friend Graycen. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and he spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with Graycen. The day after his birthday we went to Billings to swim at the Reef. It was a great time. Especially when the boys put those nose plugs on and they walked around a bit getting some funny looks!! We sure love our Chase!