Friday, December 30, 2022

Ice Skating

I took the kids ice skating and we invited friends to come along as well. It was a good time to get out of the house and we had a good afternoon.
Another year in the books. We are so blessed and enjoy our time together!

Sunday, December 25, 2022


December kept us busy with all the kids having concerts and programs. Once school got out for the break they were able to sleep by the Christmas tree a few days before Christmas.
Steve and I went to the Ugle Sweater Party
Not pictured:the Hanni's came over Christmas Eve for dinner and games. Christmas morning is still so exciting and the boys can barely wait till 7. We are so blessed.
I love when Christmas falls on a Sunday, to me it feels extra special.
Makenna and Caleb ended up making a snowman later that afternoon and so of course it needed a picture!